How to Draw a Dragon Ball

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This is not a step at all, it's just an explanation of a diagram. The shape of the spheric ball has a warped surface. When there are imprints on the ball, the imprints warp with the shape like the stars for example.


Now to begin the step, draw a circle and then add the inner guidelines.


Draw two star shapes in the position that they are in now, and the color them in.


Draw out the other two stars and then color them in as well. When this is done you can erase the guidelines you drew in step two to clean up the Dragon Ball.


Here is the finished drawing of a Dragon Ball with four stars, or the fourth Dragon Ball. Color it in and that's it.

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November 3, 2010

Description: I don’t know what to say about this lesson that is going to be on "how to draw a Dragon Ball", step by step. What is a Dragon Ball anyway? A Dragon Ball is a one of seven mystical balls that have the power to summon a wish granting dragon known as a Shenron. All the dragon balls need to be collected in order to cast forth Shenron. Shenron is a dragon that will cast one wish when all seven Dragon Balls are collected. Now a ball has a specific label on what number ball it is which is represented by stars. For example, the first Dragon Ball will have a single star marking, and so on and so forth. You will be drawing the Dragon Ball with four stars on it which means this is the fourth ball. Anyways, there really isn't anything more to say because that is basically what these balls do. The lesson is pretty mindless because all you are doing is drawing a circle, and adding four stars. I do hope you like this tutorial because I know how many of you are big time fans of DBZ, and I also know how you all love learning how to draw new things. Adios people and have fun drawing a dragon ball.


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