How Draw A Triqutra Circle


First Draw a circle. I know mine isn't very good but oh well...


Next, draw a nice big old loop like so...


Then from the left point draw a line across the circle to the right point. If you don't want to do this thing the way I have it at the top I guess this would be where u stop. If you want it to be the way I have it then continue on.


Now draw the innner part of the circle, mine got a little chopped off :(


Now add in the inner parts of the points. Yay! Almost done! Darn once again part of the picture got cut off... and I know mine doesn't look super cool but it is what it is.


Now erase some of the parts to make it look all intertwined and what not. This is the reference picture I used so you can see where to erase more clearly. Well I hope you enjoyed this tut on How to Draw a Triquetra Circle bye!

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August 6, 2010

Description: I don't really know a lot about this symbol other than Triquetra is Latin for 'Three Cornered'and the symbol appeared in the old TV series Charmed. The Triquetra circle was on 'The Book of Shadows' a spell book for witches, and also was on their 'Spirit Board'. Some Christians believe that the symbol was theirs' and that the witches stole it. Real life wiccans claim that they had the symbol before... so it's sorta confusing... Well I must go now, please tell me what you think!

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