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December 20, 2011
Dragoart ruined my title with it's crappy "titles can only contain numbers, letters, commas, hyphens and spaces" rule. Pff... stupid title ruining rules. The title was supposed to be "Cicero, crazy? That's madness!" Wjich is a hlaf qoute of what he says (removed the manic laughter from inbetween the words XD ) Anyway, this is my favourite Skyrim character, Cicero :D Some people hate him, I love him. If he was marriable, I would make my character kill his wife and turn gay for him XD I personaly think he's quite sweet, in a creepy, murderous, psychopathic way :P Anyway, just wanted to draw a picture that captures his insaninty, enjoy! :D
1 - Super Cool