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July 10, 2014
This peice was inspired by the popular quote dont judge a book bye its cover. I've been thinking about this quote a lot because at sleep away camp i meet a lot of people who I judged based on there looks, clothes, voice, freinds and a lot of them turned out to be completely different once I got to know them their thoughts, emotions,family problems and all that . The face in this peice represents what every one can see she seems calm, care free, as if their are no problems in her life. But the zentangles represent every thing that's going on her thoughts ,feelings and emotions that people would never knows intill they got to know her or using the quote opened up the book and started to read or in this case get to know some one and figure out who they REALLY are. Comment an emoji on this if you can relate, like this, quote, or think its a cool drawing. Sorry for the ripes and eraser marks I have a super bad habit of pressing to hard if anyone has device on that or anything ealse I would really appreciate it. I will be posting a tutorial for this too.