July 27, 2012
Woooow I haven't submitted in ages! And that's bad luck for you guys, because now there's going to be a complete and utter spammage because I have been drawing while I was away 3:D xD :D Do you guys want to hear about this drawing? No? Well too bad! xD I love this drawing :D It's the best original peice I've done in ages :D I got inspiration from that My Chemical Romance song called Cancer :3 It got me back in the drawing mood, so now I've been doing lots and lots of shading and possible realism :D xD It's a picture of a dog on the transition from life to death, life being the darker, sadder, disease-ridden side, and death being the light and peaceful side of the drawing :3 And it has tar or something on it's paws because I like sticky things xD :D I loved this drawing, and I hope you do too! Enjoy! :)