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April 17, 2014
Finally, I uploaded a picture without the need for a tutorial!! :D So this is another Kili themed one, it is also from The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug. This depicts the dwarfs, namely Kili, in the Mirkwood cells. Tauriel is talking to him about her love of the stars, and he is listening so intently, it is such a great scene, once again, I must recommend these films. The best thing about this scene I think would have to be the fact that Kili is standing up, and Tauriel is sitting on the stairs, and he still has to look up. So there was someone who commented on Dawn's Aragorn asking for a tut on Kili. Hopefully this should help, but Aidan Turner has such a weird face, which is one of the reasons that makes him so successful in acting and being MAJESTIC! Sorry I got a little off topic with my fangirling! Hope you enjoy, because I've noted a lack of Aidan Turner on Dragoart, so intend to post some more of his perfection! :P KILIREIL forever!!!!!!! :inlove: