April 28, 2014
So this is the eye of Smaug! This particular.......thing, is the last scene of the first movie. So after Bilbo jinxes the company of Thorin Oakensheild, a thrush flies to the mountain tries to break, what I can only assume to be, a stone or something, this echoes in the ginormous tunnels and halls of the mountain kingdom, and the dragon AWAKENS! Dun-dun-dun!!! Smaug is voiced by the one and only Benedict Cumberbatch, and he is amazing so I should get around to a drawing of Sherllock. Anyway, this drawing was possible thanks to finalprodegy's tut on Smaug's eye, so thank you to finalprodegy, who's drawing was much better! :D ~Kili Fangirl (P.S. this turned out a lot better than I thought it would! ;) )