January 13, 2012
I went through a strange phase for a couple of days and drew this. It always seems that my drawings come out much, much better late at night than in the middle of the day. Very odd... Yes, she has my name; that's only because I love my name! She is the gryphon queen, because her mother died and is a Volarde Gryphon (not to mention the LAST one), who are the most royal of them all. Volarde is a combination of French words, "Vol" which means "flying", and "Renarde", the feminine form of "Fox". Unbeknownst to me for a long time, A Flying Fox is a kind of bat. She can spit a blaze of holy fire and is telepathic, an aura reader, a foreseer, and most of all, a shapeshifter. She can shift between 3 forms: Her regular Gryphon form, her Dragon form, and her Wolf form, in which she replaces telepathy with telekinesis. I made this character years ago, and have so many drawings of her. I really like how her Dragon Form came out! RAWR! Her Wolf Form really came out better than I thought it would! :D Actually the entire pic came out really well; especially her Gryphon form since I haven't drawn Gryphons in a long time. Lauren Skytalon© Me Originally drawn December 28, 2011 at 2:44am PST