June 5, 2012
Long time no see Dragoart. It's been about a month since the last time I logged in, but I've been really busy doing some projects and here is my latest one that I've recently spent 10 days working on. This is a fight scene between Goku and Cell during the Cell Games saga. As a DBZ fan, these two characters make one of the best hero/villain duos in the franchise. I found a screenshot from one of the episodes and recreated it on my computer but added in some extra details to make them both appear more intense in their fight. I hope you enjoy viewing this because this is actually my first digital painting I've ever done... without Photoshop, GIMP, Paint tool SAI or a Wacom pen tablet. I did it all with just my index finger on a Macbook touchpad. Thanks and enjoy. All rights reserved. Copyrights © Antartistik 2012.