June 10, 2012
Part of my original world, Phephelune One of the weaker Demon-Gods as well as one of the kindest, Bomoh is most known to be a healer. He manifests as a tall and thin humanoid creature long arms and fingers and no legs. His face rests in the center of the “umbrella” that rests on his neck, and his face represents a mask of a sad expression. From his “umbrella” falls a hexagonal veil that flows down to the tips of his fingers, the outside of the veil being of fluctuating colors (said colors coincide with the markings on his face), and the inside being black. When he manifests, he sprouts up from the ground like a mushroom, the veil forming over his form last. Bomoh is a healer, and those who are guarded by him tend to live very healthy lives. He is also a teacher of meditation, and can aid one in reaching a meditative state if called upon. Those who are guarded by Bomoh usually have the element of earth.