January 22, 2014
A lot of people have never heard of Jet set radio. which to me as a gamer is a little sad. It is pretty old ( it came out on Dreamcast ) And i think its time for a reboot of the game ( not an HD remix ). The game has a lot of potential and The skating genre in video games has died a little and this game could bring it back. While there is a Second Jet set radio ( Jet set radio Future ) both are really outdated. The game itself however is similar to those of Skate or Tony Hawk: underground, basically roller skating in japan is looked down on and the goal is to tag ( spray paint ) certain spots in a stylish fashion to take over rival gang areas without gang members or the authority killing you first. The game also has an amazing soundtrack ( a mix of rock, electronic, and Hip hop music ) and its style ( anime/manga cartoonish art ) is interesting. If anyone is interested in trying it its on the PSN and X-box live stores (Its also on android and ios but The controls are hard enough as it is on console and touchscreen controls will kill you). anyways the art i did here is a trace that i did on a sketch book program on my PC. I used my drawing tablet to outline it, it took a lot of time and i loved doing this ( i have the original picture as my profile pic on here and PSN ) I hope everyone enjoys looking at this.