December 24, 2010
hey guys, well this is my returning drawing after my....2 month break?? yeah i think its been about 2 months. Well, here Andy Sixx is the singer of a band just coming to the music business, known as black veil brides. Their most popular songs are knives and pens as well as children surredner. Well i know this isn't the best and im probably gonna get some bad comments on this, but im going to redo it with 3 different pictures of him collaged together. This picture was taken from the knives and pens video. Well enjoy, comment, rate and follow my profile for upcoming stuff. ALSO! QUICK ANNOUCEMENTS!! 1.) I WILL BE HAVING ANOTHER CONTEST SOON 2.)ANDY SIXX'S BDAY IS THIS SUNDAY! SO THIS IS DEDICATED TO HIM! 3.) IF YOU WANT ME TO DRAW A CELEBRITY SITHOETTE, LEAVE THE NAME OF THE CELEBRITY AND I WILL GET RIGHT ON IT. :)