About: I am a tallish blonde girl with blue eyes that loves to laugh and hang out with her friends! I like drawing, horses and I love my dog she is a jack russell terrier who is nuts and her name is Roxy. I live in wales and i'm proud to be welsh!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've been drawing since I was 5 or 6 but I was never really bothered about it up until now. I have started to try drawing different things now that i've started on dragoart like I wasn't as good at drawing than I am today. Now I really like drawing and being creative with different techniques and stuff.I like to hang out with my friends and that. I'm just a normal girl really. I love to draw dragons and horses and/or random stuff. I can be random some times and feel free to Private IM me any time i'm on.I love Horse riding now started and loving it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My horse that I ride is called and he is a 19yr old pony and I love him!!!!!! I love horse riding it is abso amazing!!!!!!!more
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