
About Me

About: Inactive account. Only used once in a while to check up on messages and old friends
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Epic_Mango made 1 friend 6 months ago
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Josh234 posted a post 6 years ago
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schan83 posted a post 8 years ago
yo remember me frazer it me simi plese say u do man
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schan83 posted a post 8 years ago
hey how r u
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DragonMaster2000 posted a post 8 years ago
O-O it's been ages, hey!
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MeowMix posted a post 8 years ago
you confuse me.
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DusktoMorning posted a post 9 years ago
Do you have a Kik? Because I'm actually active on that and I don't want to lose touch.
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SpiderGirl13 posted a post 9 years ago
Boo! All da comments have been erased, I make new one!
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angryburrito12 posted a post 9 years ago
comment time! what were we talking about before this site so rudely crashed? XD
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bayleaf111 posted a post 9 years ago
hiyaaaaaaaa the comments r gone so I'm making this new comment chain xD
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DusktoMorning posted a post 9 years ago
Hey when will ya be on tomorrow?
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Epic_Mango uploaded 1 artwork 10 years ago
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Epic_Mango uploaded 1 artwork 10 years ago
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Epic_Mango uploaded 1 artwork 10 years ago
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