
About Me

About: My passion is art i love my macaw Danger and my dog Tilly and life would not be worth living if Call more
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EmoAngel70 made 1 friend 1 year ago
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ERHSKNIGHTS posted a post 8 years ago
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EmoAngel70 uploaded 1 artwork 8 years ago
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DarkKid posted a post 8 years ago
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skullygirl1998 posted a post 8 years ago
r u Kay Vasquez???
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AngelGirlandDragonBoyForever posted a post 8 years ago
Your an amazing drawer....a lot better than me, that's for sure
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skullygirl1998 posted a post 8 years ago
hey whats up? :rock: :rock: :watermelon: :watermelon: :watermelon: :watermelon: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay:
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skullygirl1998 posted a post 8 years ago
great work and I can draw animation but im only new here rn :lol: :fear:
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catwoman01 posted a post 8 years ago
amazing art work your good
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dobbelsteen posted a post 8 years ago
" and no I am not gay" this accually made me laugh, its not because you like anatomy that ur gay xD
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magic_potato_xp posted a post 8 years ago
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isiah2125 posted a post 8 years ago
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EmoAngel70 uploaded 1 artwork 8 years ago
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EmoAngel70 uploaded 1 artwork 8 years ago
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EmoAngel70 uploaded 1 artwork 8 years ago
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EmoAngel70 uploaded 1 artwork 8 years ago
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Catbug14 posted a post 9 years ago
Hello! Do u like BabyMetal?
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SpiderGirl13 posted a post 9 years ago
Hello! =D
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schan83 posted a post 9 years ago
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Badsteven posted a post 9 years ago
Thanks you for commenting on my tutorial did you enjoy drawing them X3 you got some cool artwork as well :rock:
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