How to Draw Gene Simmons, Gene Simmons, KISS


To draw Gene Simmons, the first thing we should do is sketch out some basic guide lines. Use a 2H or hard pencil and draw very lightly so that the lines are easy to erase after we ink. Sketch out a stick figure shape such as this one, and be sure to    


Before we get going on details, we should first sketch the basic form of the human figure. Doing this will help ensure that the figure is proportionate when we apply clothing later on. You don't have to draw details such as facial features or fingers   


Now we can begin with detail. Let's start with the eyes and nose. Draw his eyes squinted with eyebrows pointed down. The eyes are roughly one eye width apart from one another. Simmons has a somewhat large nose and his nostrils should be flared slight   


Gene's most defining characteristic is his large tongue. Draw his mouth open with a large smile and be sure to include the upper teeth. The tongue should stick out of the mouth very far, all the way down the bottom of the chin.


Draw the contours of the jaw line and chin, which is the shape of a half oval. The bottom of the chin should just barely tuck behind the tip of the tongue.


Gene has long, wild, black hair. He ties a bob (sometimes a ponytail) on the top of his head and lets the rest of his hair fall on either side of his face. Some of the hair will fall behind his back, so keep that in mind when drawing the hair. Gene a   


No member of KISS is complete with their stage makeup. Gene's makeup is the most intricate of them all, with gnarly wing-like shapes painted over each eye and a large V shape protruding from his hairline. There are also thin lines pointing down from    


The KISS members always wear very unique outfits when they perform. In this case, let's draw Gene wearing psychedelic, heavy metal armor. Draw large shoulder pads on each shoulder, with large spikes welded to the tops.


Draw the right arm bent down as he is playing the guitar. The fingers of the hand should be tucked under as if grasping a guitar pick. The arm should be covered with sections of large pieces of spiked armor. Draw an additional spike on the back of th   


The bass guitar can be a tad tricky. First, start by drawing the shape of the neck and the head. The bottom of the neck should continue beyond the right hand as a guide.


Next, start to draw the body of the guitar. Use the base of the neck of the guitar as a guide for where to begin the body and make sure that they line up with each other. The top of the body should have two sharp points, and there should be a small p   


Add more detail to the guitar such as a the knobs and keys. Draw the 4 strings and frets up the neck. Draw the power cord plugged in to the front and wrapped around the back. Draw a large strap adorned with metal rivets holding the guitar by a chain    


Now draw the left arm bent at a 90 degree angle, the hand grasping the upper portion of the guitar's neck. Remember to add the spiked armor.


Let's now draw the torso of the figure. It should be covered in large sections of metal armor. The chest armor should be larger than the pieces of armor beneath. Draw a strap connecting the chest armor together. Be sure to draw a few pieces of armor    


Draw his legs protruding from beneath the guitar body. The legs can simply be wearing spandex or tight pants.


One final detail before we ink is his cape. It is attached to the back of his shoulder armor and should fall down behind him on either side. It is in the shape of bat wings, so it should have a few pointed tips.


Now that we are done penciling the image, we can ink it using a Micron marker or a brush and India ink. Carefully go over each line with patience and be sure not to accidentally ink any unneeded guide lines. Use a ruler and protractor to help you wit   


You can add more depth to the image by giving it shadow and filling in the many areas of the black outfit. Do not add too much shadow to the pieces of metal armor. Be sure to leave a thin line of white along the outer edges of the armor next to where   


If you need to make any corrections, use white ink or opaque white paint. You can also use it to add highlights if needed. In this case, I redrew parts of the guitar strings and added a strip of white trim around the entire body of the guitar to help   

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May 5, 2013

Description: Learn how to draw the famous KISS bass player, Gene Simmons, in a comic book style.

#draw famous people #draw people #draw music #how to draw real people #how to draw people #how to draw celebrities

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