How to Draw Tribal Skull Art

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You will forst draw a circle for the skull and then add the facial guidelines. You will then draw two slanted horizontal lines that are placed on the sides of the skulls head.


As you can see you will start adding all the lines for the wing like tribal lines as you see here. Once the lining is done you can then start adding the shapes for the skull eyes as well as the nostril holes. Sketch out the beginning lines for the up   


This is when the drawing starts to look awesome. I want you to start adding the detail to the skulls face by adding brow lines to define the shape of the skull. Next detail the sides of the mouth or upper jaw and then draw out the teeth. You will the   


This is your last drawing step and as you can see all you have to do now is draw the tribal design lines on the face of the skull head. At this point you can be creative and choose to draw out your own tribal design that is totally up to you. After t   


At the end you should end up with an awesome drawing like the one you see here. All you have to do now is color it in black, blue, red, green or whatever color you like. That will do it for this lesson on how to draw Tribal Skull Art step by step.

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April 1, 2009

Description: Tribal art is great for tattooing your body with ink especially when the design is well thought out and gunned by an amazing tattooist. As some of you may know once in a while I will go on a tattoo drawing spree whenever I go over my aunt’s house because my cousin is a tattoo artist. Yes art is something that is genetically woven into my gene pool. There is literally more than half of my family that is phenomenal at drawing whether it is on paper, skin, clothes, or even on a tablet. I really do have a lot of fun designing my own creations of tattoo art. Lately I have been into tribal designs. I don’t know what it is about the art, but it almost reminds me of a puzzle of some sorts. The way that tribal flames can be incorporated with an image of an animal, person or simple lining is absolutely awesome. Here I am rambling on about the kind of art I like and I still haven’t told you yet what you will be learning in this lesson. Since everyone loves skull, I chose to do a tutorial on how to draw tribal skull art step by step. I think that most of you will be familiar with the type of design used on the sides of the skull head. The first time I started to notice tribal tattoos is when I saw the movie “From Dusk till Dawn”. George Clooney’s character had a massive tribal tattoo going on starting from the side of his neck, all the way down to his arm and wrist. I had a lot of fun drawing out this skull design and at first the skull had a jaw. But I then erased the jaw and left the skull jawless. Anyway I hope you like this tutorial on how to draw tribal skull art step by step. All the lessons that I am uploading today is on tribal art so stay tuned and keep your eyes open.

#how to draw tribal art #draw skulls #draw tribal art #how to draw tribal skulls #how to draw tribal #how to draw tribal designs
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