How to Draw the Raiders, Oakland Raiders

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Make the head shape for the guide of the pirate's head, then sketch in the facial guidelines.


Here you will begin sketching out the actual helmet shape and design. You will see that the helmet is not your traditional hardhead. Instead it's the leather style helmets that used to be worn back in the old days.


Draw in the two scimitars in the background of the head or helmet like so, then move to step four.


Lastly, sketch out the shape of the pirate's face, then draw in the eye patch, eye, eyebrow, and then the nose, mouth and detailing on the face. Erase the mistakes then draw the stripe on the helmet like so.


Here is what the logo looks like when you are all done.

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March 29, 2013

Description: If you live in Oakland California and you are a football fan you are looking upon your hometown football team's logo. Of course I know I'm missing the shield, but I thought it would be better to show you "how to draw the Raiders logo" without the shield just to make things easier. The Oakland Raiders was founded back in 1960. The logo design for the Raiders is so fashionably popular, folks who don't even like the team or football wear apparel displaying that popular black shield with a white figure and two swords on it. The image on the shield is of a pirate or "raider" wearing a football helmet. The team was home to players like John Madden and Jerry Rice. The logo is going to be rather simple to recreate so don't strain your brain to complete the task. Have fun, and be sure to leave some feedback. Adios mi amigos.

#how to draw logos #how to draw football
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