How to Draw a Pretty Heart

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Start by drawing a heart, and go as big as you want your drawing to be. I must warn you, the bigger the heart shape, the more difficult the rose pedals will be to draw. Next, add an egg shaped circle, and then a vertical line from the pointed tip, to   


You will now start sketching out the pedals from the inside of the flower like you see here, and notice how they get longer and wide spread the bigger the rose gets.


As you can see the flower will start looking more like a rose when you are finished with this step. Start with the smaller leaves first, and then work your way out.


There is only three big pedals to draw in this step, and as you can see they carry all the traits of a beautiful blooming rose.


Okay guys, this is the final step. All you have to do now is draw in the rest of the pedals, and as you can see the last three form the heart shape that you are going for. Erase the lines and shapes that you drew in step one to prepare this drawing f   


Ok you're now finished with your sweet pink rose. Hope you all enjoyed this tutorial and have fun drawing!

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September 4, 2010

Description: Hi guys, welcome back to a brand new tutorial day, and to start things off, I thought I would start by showing you "how to draw a pretty heart", step by step. I got a request to do a version of a heart in a pretty form so that’s what I did. I figured two of the most beautiful things in the world is hearts and flowers, so why not incorporate the two. This tutorial is also going to be placed in the tattoo section, because it is a unique creation that I can totally see as a nice inked drawing on someones skin. The heart is drawn regular, but instead of placing roses all around, I decided to make a rose, the shape of a gigantic heart that is actually formed by one big rose. I guess you could say it’s the rose that is shaped like a heart. Anyway, the lesson itself should be pretty easy unless of course you have a problem when it comes to drawing rose pedals of any sorts. Well, I really want you guys to have fun with this tutorial because I know you girls, and guys will have a blast. I will be back in a jiff with some more drawing fun. Remember to keep those pencils moving, and be as creative as you can be. Adios amigos!

#draw hearts #how to draw a heart #draw love #how to draw love #draw a rose
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