How to Draw a Mailbox

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You will first make the base shape of the mailbox which is sort of rectangular. Add the stem or pole for the mailbox, then move to step two.


Now you can start sketching out the rounded shape of the mailbox. This is the classic shape of a mailbox that you will find in the country, rural areas, and even in suburbia.


Next, draw the mailbox door like so, as well as the small handle, and mail inside the box.


As you know when you want to mail things out, your box has to have a flag to let the mailman know that there is mail to be sent. If there is no mail for you on any given day but you have mail going out, the mailman needs to know that he has to stop a   


Lastly, draw the post for the mailbox, then draw in the tall grass at the base of the pole. As you know, the grass around poles is usually the hardest to cut. Erase the mistakes then you're done.


The line art comes out like so. Color in your mailbox then you're finished.

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January 29, 2013

Description: Hey guys, Dawn here with another drawing tutorial, and it's on the most basic object used throughout the world. If you're not familiar with a mailbox, then I'm glad to introduce to you this tutorial that will show you "how to draw a mailbox", step by step. I had fun working on this one, especially the colors. If there's a most exciting part of drawing, it's the coloring part. If you think so too, leave a comment below. Anyways, this tut is easy enough for anyone to draw. I've included simple to draw steps so recreating this box will be easy. Anyways, let me know if you've tried this tut, I look forward to hearing about your success!

#how to draw boxes
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