How to Draw a Dark Girl

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Begin like we always do with the first step and that is by drawing the guidelines for the head and torso.


You will now draw the profile of her face. Start with the forehead, then nose, lips and chin. Don't forget to draw the hint of her left eye lid and eyelash. Add the lining to her lips and flared nostril.


Up next, draw in her eyes, thick lashes and then the eyebrows. Add the indent to the side of her face as well.


We will now tackle one of my favorite feats and that is to draw in the hairstyle. It should be long, straight and full of body. I love the ridges at the part of her hair. Draw in some of the ear shape too.


You can now draw in the torso which is made up of the jacket. Start with the shoulders and then draw the collar. Draw in the lining for the shirt she is wearing under her jacket as well.


Go ahead and draw the right arm, her gloved hand and then sketch in all the detailing to the jacket and glove. Add more strands of hair and then you can begin erasing the mistakes and guidelines.


Here is the finished line art when done. Just color her in and you will have yourself a dark girl.

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November 1, 2016

Description: Hidy ho amigos. Welcome back to the day after Halloween. Usually people feel sick the next day from all the candy consumed, or extremely tired from all the parting. Today I will start the day with a little darkness. Here is my take on drawing a Dark Girl, step by step. I know the title seems strange but when I made this lesson I wasn't really thinking of anything in particular. I was imagining a girl that had been wounded from an apocalyptic war that left her face and hands scarred. That is why her face is pale white and she is wearing red gloves. The red color signifies loss and pain, while the pale white face represents hidden scars under the pained mask. Anyways, I do hope you like this lesson even though it is a bit strange. I will be back with some other fun lessons so don't stray too far away.

#how to draw faces #how to draw girls
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