How to Draw Tigger Easy

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Let us begin by drawing a simple circle, and then lightly sketch in the facial guidelines.


Here you will start the process of drawing out Tigger's top part of his mouth or jaw as well as the round shape for his nose.


Next, completely draw the entire outline of Tigger's head, ears, and long jaw. Once that is done you can proceed to step four.


Here you will draw in the framing shape where his eyes will go. As you can see the thick marks above the eyes is his brows. Once that is done, draw in the marking lines on the ears and around the top part of the mouth.


Lastly, color in the pupils, and add some marks above the eyeballs like so. Lastly, draw the tiger stripes on Tigger's cheeks. Erase your mistakes if any.


I give you the finished drawing of Tigger. Now you can color him in to perfection, then join him with the rest of his friends.

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May 11, 2012

Description: Hey once again guys, here is that second character that was requested and as you can see it's a figure from Winnie the Pooh. Everyone loves this tiger that hops along and even sings his song. Up next we will be tackling the task of learning "how to draw Tigger easy", step by step. Tigger is one of those cats that loves everyone but everyone don't love him. His best friend in the world is Roo, and together they bounce around and play. Tigger is also very fond of Pooh Bear, but they don't have as much fun together as Tigger and Roo do. Anyways, here you will be drawing Tigger easy. I had fun recreating this colorful character from the children's book created by A. A. Milne called "Winnie-the-Pooh", and so will you!

#how to draw winnie the pooh characters #how to draw pooh and friends
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