How to Draw Skyrim, Skyrim Logo

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Start by making a cross which is going to be the guidelines for the actual emblem for Skyrim or The Elder Scrolls.


Starting in the middle of the cross, start by sketching out the shape of the dragon's head, and then work your way down to make the curved neck. Continue on and draw the chest, and angled tail. Detail the body with a center definition line which will   


The emblem used in Skyrim sort of looks like a tribal design. Here you will start drawing out the left wing in a straight angled manner. If you have a hard time drawing straight lines, you might want to grab a ruler for this step. The top and bottom    


Here you will draw the right side of the wing the very same way you did the left. The only difference is the body is more exposed. You will sketch in detailing inside of the wings, and then start cleaning up the drawing to perfection.


Here is how your drawing should come out looking when you are all done. I hope you had fun with this lesson.

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January 14, 2012

Description: I have some really cool tutorials that I will be uploading today and I’m pretty sure that they will be liked, or even loved. To start things off I will fill a request that was made a few times by a few people. I will finally go ahead and show you "how to draw Skyrim", step by step or the Skyrim logo. Even though we refer to the game as Skyrim, it’s actually called The Elder Scrolls, and Skyrim is a region that is located in the northern part of Tamriel. A civilization called the Nords live there and they are basically these strong, hearty sturdy men and woman that have this incredible ability to live in the cold harsh wintry conditions. There are also four other parts that fall around Skyrim and they are Morrowind, Cyrodill, Hammerfell, and High Rock. As far as the history of this region goes, to many elders, it is known as the Old Kingdom. The game takes place in this part of the map and to my knowledge the game play is said to be much like World of Warcraft. Skyrim is the fifth installment of The Elder Scrolls, and like I just said it’s a role playing, open world concept game play. It was created, and developed by Bethesda Game Studios, and published by Bethesda Softworks. I think that the logo or symbol for Skyrim is wicked cool, and I had a lot of fun recreating it, and turning the logo into steps. If you are a fan of the game you will have fun with drawing Skyrim and I will be back soon with more drawing fun.

#draw dragons #draw skyrim
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