How to Draw Sasuke Shippuden

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You will start by drawing out the shape of Sasuke's head and then add the facial guidelines. You will then draw out the circle for the torso of his body and then draw the squared shape of his left sleeve. Next draw the remaining guidelines for his Gi   


Now you can start sketching out the hair style of Sasuke starting with the front bangs and sides. Next draw the shape of his eyes, and then color them in as well. Before you leave this step you will need to add some detailing to the points and roots    


I drew his pose inspired by a poster on my wall. You will start sketching out the rest of his spiked hair style and then finish off his eyes. Next draw the slight lining for his mouth and then begin sketching out the shoulders, collar, right arm, and   


You will continue to sketch out the shape of his attire as you see here and make sure you take your time so that his clothes come out looking loose, in action, and awesome. When the top part of his body is drawn out in this step, you will begin drawi   


Finish sketching out his left hand and then draw the butt of the sword. Finish sketching out the sleeve, and then draw the shape of Sasuke's face. Sketch in the muscle definition of his chest, and then start sketching out the rope like belt around hi   


For your last drawing step you will sketch out his legs and or pants and then add some detailing and definition to the pants, and shirt. Once that is done you can sketch the shape of his ankles, and then his shoes and feet with his toes being exposed   


When you are done learning "how to draw Sasuke Shippuden step by step", you can start coloring him in. That is all I have for you right now, but be sure to tune in again and join me for another free online drawing tutorial.

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November 22, 2009

Description: I wanted to do another drawing on a Naruto character that everyone knows and loves. I think I should tell you that I already submitted a lesson on this very same anime/manga individual, and I have to be completely honest, the old tutorial is I guess I should also tell you that you will be learning "how to draw Sasuke Shippuden, step by step". Sasuke is one of Naruto's more popular characters in the series for both the manga, and the anime cartoon. I said all I can say about Sasuke in my previous tutorial on him, so all I can talk about is his character in Shippuden form. I have to say the story or background for Sasuke is pretty sad. He was always demanding his parents attention, as they gave their attention to his older brother Itachi. All the training and stress in his life that he spent for his parents, was all washed away when his brother came home and slaughtered the whole Uchiha clan. The harsh words that Itachi said to his kid brother was hurtful, as well as unbearable. But before any of the hatred and slaughtering took place, Itachi used to praise and recognize his little brothers accomplishments and skills that his family did not focus on or notice. Once Itachi became distant from his family he left, and Sasuke was now gaining recognition by the clan. One day as Sasuke came home, he walked through the village surrounded by slain bodies of the Uchiha Clan. As he walked up to his parents his brother was standing over the corpses. As if the death of his parents wasn't bad enough, just knowing that his admired older brother killed them, crushed his soul inside. Not only that but, Itachi said to Sasuke, he never loved his little brother and because of his mere importance to him, Sasuke was not worth killing. He advised Sasuke to take avenge on the death of the clan so that he would grow stronger and more skilled. Itachi knew that if Sasuke lived out the rest of his life with hate in his heart, he would one day be that skilled fighter he trained so hard to become. Naruto Shippuden is just a continuation of the two and a half year story line of the series. The difference with the characters in Naruto Shippuden, is that they are all older and more skilled. Sasuke Shippuden is a wicked cool character of the manga/anime series and I think that you will all love learning "how to draw Sasuke Shippuden". I will be back with more lessons for you all, but that will have to be after I am done working. Peace out people, and join me next time.

#how to draw shippuden characters
1 - Super Cool
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