How to Draw Carrie Underwood

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You will start off with a circle for the shape of her head and upper face. Next sketch out the shape of her lower face which would actually be her jawline, and chin. Once that is done you can then draw the line for her shoulders and arms.


You will use the facial guidelines yo drew in step one to sketch out the shape of Carries eyes evenly. Once that is done you can then begin sketching out her hair starting with her long side-bang.


Thicken the lining for the shape of her face, and then sketch out the shape of her nose, and the top and bottom lines. Sketch out the shape of her eyebrows, and then draw in her eyeballs, and iris. There is also the hint of her ear on the right.


You can now start sketching out her hair style which in this case it's semi-long, and straight. As you can see there is a couple of layers in her hair so you will need to sketch out her hair in layers. Add detailing and definition to add texture to h   


Next up, begin sketching out the shape of her shoulders, arms, and the ruffled straps for the shirt that Carrie is wearing. You also need to draw the end pieces of her hair as you see resting on her back, and left shoulder.


Detail the ruffles of her shirt straps, and then add some detailing to her arm, and blouse. Also, detail her eyes too the way you see it done here. When that is all taken care of, you can then begin erasing all the guidelines that you drew in step on   


The sketch out Carrie Underwood is done. You can choose to try and color her in using pastels or something, or you can leave her as a sketched portrait. I had a lot of fun drawing Carrie Underwood, step by step for you all, and I hope you will enjoy    

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April 11, 2010

Description: I have been getting flooded with tutorial requests on an everyday basis, and I totally don't mind. As I have been getting increasingly better at drawing famous faces, which is why I've been taking on requests that are on musicians, actors, and actresses. Today I will start the tutorial day by submitting a lesson that will show all you country music lovers out there, “how to draw Carrie Underwood", step by step. I wish I could sit here and tell you that I was excited to write out the description for this singing star. The fact is, since I'm not a big fan of country music, I'm not too ecstatic about talking about Ms. Underwood. But, since I know there are some big fans, I will happily talk about this star. First off, her full name is Carrie Marie Underwood, and she was born on March 10, 1983, which would make her around twenty seven years old. As of right now she is a singer, songwriter, and even an actress once in a while. There is one thing that I found out about her that I never knew. She was an American Idol contestant, and fourth season winner. I had no idea that she was on that show, but then again I never even watch American Idol either. I guess it's all paying off for her because since she rose to the top, she has won some Grammy Awards, she has become a multi-platinum selling artist, and she has millions of fans that lover her and her music. Carrie Underwood released her debut album in 2006 labeled “Some Hearts”. Needless to say her first album was a success, going platinum seven times. The second album was released in 2007 labeled “Carnival Ride”, and that sold over three million copies. As with a lot of artist, she performed in talent shows, and she also sang at the Free Will Baptist Church. He fame keeps rising to the top, and like Kelly Clarkson, she is not even known as a singer that won American Idol, she's just known for writing, singing, and performing music to the best of her ability. The sketch that I drew if her came out awesome. I was going to do a John Lennon style on her, but it didn't look right. I hope you guys love this lesson on “how to draw Carrie Underwood", step by step. I'll be back in a few with more for you to do. Peace out and happy drawing!

#draw famous #draw music #draw real people #how to draw real people
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