Draw a Paw Print

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Draw a circle for the main part of the paw print.


You will now start drawing four oval circles that make up each toe of the dog. When you are done move to the next step.


Now for your last drawing step, you will draw the shape of the foot padding that is on the shape of a fat spade without the stem. Erase the one shape you drew in step one to clean up your work.


That's it, you are done. You just drew a paw print, step by step. Great work guys, I mean how hard was the lesson anyway?

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June 8, 2010

Description: Unlike a lot of my other lessons, this one is going to be ridiculously easy to follow and replicate. Today I will be showing you "how to draw a paw print", step by step. Dogs are wonderful animals, and they are probably one of the best forms of protection you could ever have guarding your home. K-9s are also very loyal when treated and trained right, and they have a special keen sense that enables them to be alert, on guard, and a special friend. I chose to do this lesson because as some of you may know, I have two German Shepherd dogs, and they are wicked awesome. I don't think I want any other kind of canine then a GSD. Anyway, today I was giving my youngest dog a bath, and the cutest thing happened. As I was rinsing the soap off him, he place his wet paw on my black colored shirt. At first I was upset because he obviously got me wet. But when I looked down at my shirt, I saw the most cutest paw print that made my anger turn into laughter. We named one of our dogs Bear, and the reason we chose this name, is because that is exactly what he looks like, a black bear. Yes, he is a solid black shepherd, and he is also one of the freshest smelling dogs I have ever smelt in my entire life. I mean, he could run through a bunch of wet grass, and come up to me not even stinking or anything. His breath always smells like mint, and he has some of the brightest eyes even though they are brown. Anyways, when you "draw a dog print", you can use the design on anything you want. That is pretty much all I have to say about this lesson. I mean how much can I say about a paw print? Have fun with this tutorial guys, and be sure to come back real soon to try out another lesson. Peace out, and have a happy drawing day.

#draw dogs #how to draw a dog #draw paws #draw prints #how to draw a print #how to draw a paw
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