How to Draw Joe Cool Snoopy

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We will begin by drawing his sunglasses. Two lenses and the frame.


Next, draw Snoopy's snout, then his head, long ear and neck.


You will now draw Snoopy's nose. When that is done you can add the bandanna. Make sure you draw the knot on the back part of the head along with the spots.


Let's get started with his body. Draw the neck, then shoulders and torso. Snoopy is chillin with his arms behind his back. Draw the small bump for his belly as well.


Finish Cool Snoopy off by giving him some baggy pants/jeans then draw in his bare feet. Add the lining to form the sleeve line and shirt line. Erase the mistakes if you made any.


That's it, you are done drawing this cool version of Snoopy. Now you can color him in, and you can even draw in the words Joe Cool' on his shirt.

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March 28, 2014

Description: I'm sure many of you have seen Snoopy looking cooler then he normally does with the words 'Joe Cool' written across his shirt. Well, because warmer weather will eventually head our/my way I thought a nice tutorial on "how to draw Joe Cool Snoopy", step by step would be something that folks would like. No matter how old Snoopy's character may be you will always find some sort of material whether it be clothes, hats, books, jewelry etc. that can be found throughout stores wherever you go. I had fun with this drawing and I tried to dress him using my own fashion ideas by giving him a plain white tee, blue jeans, and a spotted bandanna. The bandanna is red & white to represent his dog house colors. Enjoy drawing Cool Snoopy folks and await my return with more tuts for you all.

#how to draw charlie brown characters #draw cartoon dog
1 - Super Cool
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