How to Draw an Aircraft Carrier

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You will start this step by drawing out the shape of the aircraft warships hull, and deck. Next you will draw the shape of the "island" which is where everything is located like the navigation bridge, flag bridge, and it is also home to all the radar   


You will now start sketching out all the beams, railings, electronics, and so forth for the island of this aircraft carrier or battleship. Aircraft carriers are also known as warships because they contain a series of fire power aboard the vessel. It    


You will finish sketching out the island as you see here and be sure to take your time as I stated in the previous step. When you are done you can give your island a once over to make sure that you drew everything in correctly. In the back or to the    


Now you can start sketching out the main part of the aircraft carrier starting with the main deck, and the railing off to the left hand side. Draw the lines on the pavement of the flight deck, and then draw some "parking spot" lines too. These separa   


You will now finish sketching out the hull of the warship as you see here and then be sure to draw more detailing, defining lines. When you are finished you can start carefully erasing all the guidelines and shapes that you drew in step one. This wil   


When you are done you should have a drawing that looks like or similar to the one you see here. Color it in and your are done. I hope you had fun with this lesson on "how to draw an aircraft carrier step by step". Be sure to join me again for more dr   

Comments 1


· 9 months ago

Can you make retract or even reduce the speed to a very low when landing but still can take off ???



November 30, 2007

Description: I want to submit another lesson that is military related, but this time have it be on something from the Navy. I have two lessons on two different military tanks, as well as a few tutorials that teach you to draw military weapons. For this tutorial I am going to teach you “how to draw an Aircraft carrier step by step.” One thing I like to do is draw stuff that nobody else has just to stay original and creative. I know that you guys must know that by now anyway, but I just figured I would get that out on the table just to let you know why I choose to draw the things I do. Well lets get on with this learning experience shall we? First off aircraft carries are humongous warships that stay idol on the open sea. The sole purpose for these ships is to enable aircrafts to deploy using a swift command. The planes will also come back to the aircraft carrier to land and park until it's next mission. I guess you could say that these warships are floating airbases much like an airport. Now the reason why aircraft carriers stay so far out on the sea is because it makes striking and protecting enemy planes a whole lot easier because the reach is a lot more attainable opposed to being inland. The very first aircraft carrier was placed on March 20, 1922. The vessels name was the USS Langley, and the ship was the Navy's first flight carrier. By the time July rolled around of the same year, congress allowed all unfinished battleships to be transformed or converted, into aircraft carries. The two battleships that were converted was Lexington and Sarstoga. Did you know that the first landing area for a plane on sea was made of wood? It's true, in the year of 1910, a polite named Eugene Ely flew his plane off a strip or platform made entirely out of wood. The wooden area was built aboard the USS Birmingham over the bow of the ship. Pretty cool huh? By the time the attack on Pearl Harbor came about, the U.S. Had several aircraft carriers out at sea. When the bombing happened, three vessels were untouched due to the fact that the carriers were not in the area at the time of attack. The ships that were left standing was the USS Saratoga, the USS Lexington, and the popular USS Enterprise. I did the best I could with this tutorial on "<b>how to draw an aircraft carrier</b>". I couldn't find any good pictures to reference from so I had to improvise, a lot. As of right now I am practicing on bettering my drawing skills for things like ships so later on down the road I can submit a lesson that will teach you “how to draw a battleship” in clarity. This lesson is going to be placed under the advanced category, but anybody can give it a go. I will be back later with another fun tutorial. Be sure to join me live tonight as I am drawing another dragon for a project I am doing. If you want to read more on aircraft carriers, just visit the <a href="">US Navy</a> and you will find all the information you need. Peace out people and happy drawing!

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