How to Draw Totoro

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To draw Totoro, all you need to do first is draw a big enough circle for his belly. You will then draw the round shape of his head and then add the facial guidelines. You will then draw the limb guidelines before you leave this step.


Okay this is another really simple step. All you have to do is draw out the shape of the erect ears and then draw some of the sides of it's body/face. Once that is done you can draw some whiskers on it's face.


You will finish drawing out the complete shape of Totoro's body as shown to you here and then draw in the hands, and feet. Next draw in the round shaped eyes and color in some pupils. Draw the nose and then draw the legs and feet.


Here is your last drawing step. What you will do here is draw a big circle in the middle of the belly and then draw triangle shaped arcs. Once completed you can then start erasing all the guidelines and shapes that you drew in step one.


When you are done you have just learned "how to draw Totoro step by step", you can get the color and color him in. I hope you liked this bright cheerful character.

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November 26, 2009

Description: Hi once again folks, and welcome back to another lesson that is sure to be fun and filled with ease. This character that I am about to submit is from an anime movie called “My Neighbor Totoro”. One of the main characters is what you will be getting a lesson on now. So having said all that, it is now time to show you “how to draw Totoro step by step”. Totoro is a character that looks very much like a penguin crossed with a giant rabbit of some sorts. The story is about two young girls that make friends with a wood spirit named Totoro. I really can't tell you too much about this movie because of the simple fact that I never watched it before. But I can tell you that the anime movie was written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki. Of course just by looking at the characters and by looking at how Totoro is designed, you can automatically tell that this movie was made by Japanese artists. The movie was released back in 1988, but the film was later re-released by Disney back in 2006, only three years ago. Now from what I've read and seen pictures of, I guess you could say that this Japanese anime movie is a must see. Drawing Totoro was pretty simple, there was no major difficulty involved. I am also really confident that learning “how to draw Totoro from My Neighbor Totoro step by step”, will not only be fun, but it will also be very easy a well. Since I have much more lessons to upload, I will say good-bye for now until I return. In the mean time check out this tutorial, and I will meet you all back here real soon!

#how to draw my neighbor totoro #how to draw my neighbor totoro characters #how to draw anime characters #draw totoro tutorial #step by step totoro drawing #my neighbor totoro art lesson #drawing totoro made easy #learning to draw totoro #hayao miyazaki art style #japanese anime drawing guide #totoro drawing techniques #easy anime character drawing

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