If you're using a reference, it's really easy to sketch a rose, the key is to start from the center outwards , petal by petal.Please pay attention to the petals in the center, since they're tiny and delicate , there's a lot of detail in a small area.
Your finished sketch should look like this. Ignore the stem, I was planning on drawing that as well, but decided not to when I made the background, don't draw the stem.
Before you start toning, thicken the outline of the petals, because when you will tone and shade the line will be very hard to see. A thick line will solve that problem, but don't make it too thick or dark, I used a 5B for that. After that you can st
Proceed with toning, as you can see i did not thicken the outlines for all the petals, because on the right side there is more light, and I didn't want to have to erase the outlines later. You can still do it if you think it'll be easier, just rememb
Now, take a 7 or 8B and fill in the darkest areas, they may not look totally black on this picture, but that's because of my scanner, it adds extra light.
Smudge the areas you have already toned so that individual lines are not visible, then take a 5B and tone same areas again, but this time press a bit harder, and tone using a circular motion of the tip of your pencil.
Now, before staring the actual detailed shading , please study this mini tutorial i made on how to shade rose petals. The steps are easy, tone, tone some more, smudge , use darker tones where the petal begins and where it ends , use a sharp eraser to
Now you can proceed to shading your petals . As you can notice, some shadows have very defined edges , because that's the shadow of another petal. Remember ,the right side is brighter because the light source is on the right.
Continue with shading, take your time, as this process is very time consuming. If you noticed, i started shading the exterior petals first, unlike sketching, where you start with the interior ones. This is because there's a lot of detail in the cente
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July 7, 2012
Description: Hello people, it's me with a new tutorial for you, How to draw a realistic rose. This tutorial will guide you through some easy steps on how to draw a pretty rose using only pencils and an eraser.....and time.I've adopted a new, easier to draw way of making steps, so a lot more of you could try out this tutorial. This is the second time i draw a rose, and i'm starting to like it,and i hope you will too.