Start the first step by drawing out the ring of the flower that sits in the center of the bloom. This is the part that is going to be bell shaped. The edges are drawn in a squiggle fashion as you see here.
Once the ring is formed, draw out the body of the flower which should ultimately form a bell shape. Draw the inner dimple inside of the bloom like so, then draw a stamen.
Next, start drawing out the flower petals that surrounds the inner bloom. The petals should be drawn separately as well as have pointed tips.
You will now draw out the stem for the narcissus like so, then draw the grass like over sized leaves that surround the bloom. Erase your mistakes, then you are finished.
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April 4, 2012
Description: Here is the last flower I will submit for the day. It is on a springtime bloom, all though I found information on this flower species under the 'autumn flowers' section. Anyways, here is "how to draw a narcissus", step by step. These flowers come in either all yellow, all white, and then the two tone of yellow and white. They sort of look like daffodils, and it's probably because they both belong to the same genus of plants. Believe it or not, but the narcissus is one of the more popular plants of Germany, making them well known and recognized. Their blossoms are cone or bell shaped, and they are surrounded by a ring of petals. I have seen these flowers in flower gardens around the area and I every time I see them I marvel at their sight. I had a lot of fun making this tutorial because the narcissus is one of the prettier plants that bloom in Spring. I would love to have a whole section just dedicated to the narcissus flower in my yard, but I know my dogs would probably rip them all up. Anyways, have fun with this lesson, I'm sure you will find a need or use for it. Adios people and enjoy your drawing day!