Make two shapes for the guides, one for the head and another for the body. Add the face and neck lines like so and proceed on.
Draw or color in two eyes, and then draw the great big open smile as well as all the teeth. Make three wrinkles under the mouth which acts as the chin.
For the last drawing step, all you have to do is draw out the back legs and hooves, and then clean up the drawing.
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November 15, 2011
Description: It’s weird that I received a request to make a lesson on another internet meme known as the green llama or Bunchie. This is a simple tutorial on a real weird looking creation from the web that looks sort of like a cross between a green lima bean, and a balloon formed animal that clowns pass out at children’s birthday parties. If you are familiar with this internet meme, you should enjoy the lesson regardless of what it looks like. All I know is I have one more submission coming your way and hopefully you have fun with that one too. Enjoy yourself as you tackle the task of drawing Bunchie. I shall return in a few so stay put, and stay calm. Peace people!